First Baptist Church in Cordele Relocates

We first met First Baptist Church Cordele, GA nearly 14 years ago after they had purchased around 44 acres to relocate from its landlocked historic downtown campus. Fast forward through some challenging years and leadership changes and Pastor Ray Sullivan is now leading his 100+ year old church through the monumental step of relocating to the new campus this Summer.
As a first step in the planning process, MG+A completed a detailed Master Plan that would help cast the vision for the ultimate build-out of facilities and parking. Based on a successful capital campaign and financing in place, the church was able to build a 400 seat worship center, large commons area and education wing for preschool, children, students and adults. Long term, the Phase 1 worship center will easily convert to the primary Commons in the master plan once a new worship center is built. A large recreational complex is also planned to be used in community outreach.
Like most relocation projects, the church was not able to build all of the space it needed in Phase 1. Initial costs for sitework and infrastructure for the new campus typically pushes the limits for financial capacity. However, with expected growth through multiple service hours, the church is anticipating that it will be ready for Phase 2 within the next 2-3 years. From a church development standpoint, this process helps them take advantage of continual momentum through growth and facility expansion. Read more about this project at: